
Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D)

游戏 Chen-Jin 4562浏览 1评论


来源于 Scratch 官网,未经修改(包括标题、操作说明、作品、作品注释、备注与鸣谢)
Sorry too many comments are causing the scratch servers to wobble… Commenting has had to be temporarily disabled!

★ Subscribe to me on YouTube for our my helpful videos on Scratch coding :) – Search up “griffpatch”.

★ Scratch auto disabled comments on this project because it was slowing things down :(

28 Oct 2021 – v11.6 – Fixed offscreen sprites, Fixed 16 & 18 numbers switched, Updated buttons on main screen.
17 Mar 2020 – v11.5 – Tidied costumes removing nasty ghost outlines, added support for scratch 3 scrolling off screen workaround, fixed tile misaligned glitch, added a couple of missing costumes, fixed hunger system.
9 Nov 2022 – v11.7 – Fixed List Header Descriptions
17 Mar 2020 – v11.4 – Updated splash page
8 Dec 2015 – 6 MILLION VIEWS *grin*
15 Sep 2015 – 5 MILLION VIEWS! Gosh :)
14 Jan 2015 – v11.3 – ★ Updated Save Game code to incorporate @TheLogFather ‘s clever method of bypassing the 10k string (and therefore save game) limit.

15 Dec 2014 – v11.2 – ★ Rain weather (New command ‘/weather ‘.

12 Dec 2014 – v11.1 – ★ Snow weather (it can now snow in most biomes, and the snow will start to settle…).

12 Dec 2014 – v11.0 – ★ Snowy Biomes… (1 in 10 so get looking!)

11 Dec 2014 – v10.9 – ★ Endermen (initial version)


Modding Guide: ▶️ https://youtu.be/PexNsUvqD5w [1 to 9] - Select Item    [Click] - Place or Mine [WASD] - Move / Jump  [E] - Open/Close Inventory [E+hover] - Open / Close Chest, Crafting Table, Door [Space] - Drop single tile from a stack while dragging. [F] - Eat food       [N] - Label a sign or chest [Q] - Drop item      [P] - Pause / Unpause [T] - Talk / Command    [O] - Save your game [M] - Music / Sounds   [Shift] - Sprint


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网友最新评论 (1)

  1. Chen-Jin
    这个作品官网链接:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/10128407/?src=Chen-Jin 提醒:你没有魔法就进不去
    Chen-Jin6个月前 (01-29)