

ROS1/一代机器人系统 少儿编程 1724浏览 0评论



  • 介绍costmap_2d-staticmap的概念及其相关知识


  • 静态地图主要包含来自外部源的不变数据(有关构建地图的资料,请参阅map_server包)。

Subscribed Topics

"map" ([nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid][2]) 
  • 代价地图可以选择使用用户定义的静态地图来进行初始化(参考 static_map 参数)

  • 如果该选项被选择,代价地图将使用service call从 map_server 获取静态地图。


unknown_cost_value (int, default: -1) 
  • The value for which a cost should be considered unknown when reading in a map from the map server. If the costmap is not tracking unknown space, costs of this value will be considered occupied. A value of zero also results in this parameter being unused.
lethal_cost_threshold (int, default: 100) 
  • The threshold value at which to consider a cost lethal when reading in a map from the map server.
map_topic (string, default: "map") 
  • The topic that the costmap subscribes to for the static map. This parameter is useful when you have multiple costmap instances within a single node that you want to use different static maps. – New in navigation 1.3.1
first_map_only (bool, default: false) 
  • 只订阅地图上的第一条消息主题,忽略所有后续消息。
subscribe_to_updates (bool, default: false) 
  • 除了map_topic,还订阅map_topic +“_updates”
track_unknown_space (bool, default: true) 

-如果为true,则地图消息中的未知值将直接转换到该层。 否则,地图消息中的未知值将在层中转换为FREE_SPACE。

use_maximum (bool, default: false) 
  • Only matters if the static layer is not the bottom layer. If true, only the maximum value will be written to the master costmap.
trinary_costmap (bool, default: true) 
  • 如果为true,则将所有地图消息值转换为NO_INFORMATION / FREE_SPACE / LETHAL_OBSTACLE(三个值)。

  • If false, a full spectrum of intermediate values is possible.


  • http://wiki.ros.org/costmap_2d/hydro/staticmap

  • http://blog.csdn.net/x_r_su/article/details/53420130

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