
Arduino库教程-GSM-Band Management

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Band Management

  • 这个例子是提供给管理GSM shield的工具的一部分,展示了如何使用GSM库来管理调制解调器连接的GSM频带。

  • 更多通常GSM频带的信息查看 http://www.worldtimezone.com/gsm.html。典型初始配置如下:

Europe, Africa, Middle East: E-GSM(900)+DCS(1800)
USA, Canada, South America: GSM(850)+PCS(1900)
Mexico: PCS(1900)
Brazil: GSM(850)+E-GSM(900)+DCS(1800)+PCS(1900)


  • Arduino or Genuino Board
  • Arduino + Telefonica GSM/GPRS Shield
  • SIM card


Arduino库教程-GSM-Band Management
这是在一块Arduino或者Genuino开发板上的Arduino GSM Shield图


  • 这个程序,用于Arduino GSM shield,检查调制解调器的当前配置的频带,允许你改变它。
 Band Management

 This sketch, for the Arduino GSM shield, checks the band
 currently configured in the modem and allows you to change

 Please check http://www.worldtimezone.com/gsm.html
 Usual configurations:
 Europe, Africa, Middle East: E-GSM(900)+DCS(1800)
 USA, Canada, South America: GSM(850)+PCS(1900)
 Mexico: PCS(1900)
 Brazil: GSM(850)+E-GSM(900)+DCS(1800)+PCS(1900)

 * GSM shield

 created 12 June 2012
 by Javier Zorzano, Scott Fitzgerald

 This example is in the public domain.

// libraries
#include <GSM.h>

// initialize the library instance
GSMBand band;

void setup() {
  // initialize serial communications and wait for port to open:
  while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only

  // Beginning the band manager restarts the modem
  Serial.println("Restarting modem...");
  Serial.println("Modem restarted.");


void loop() {
  // Get current band
  String bandName = band.getBand(); // Get and print band name
  Serial.print("Current band:");
  Serial.println("Want to change the band you’re on?");
  String newBandName;
  newBandName = askUser();
  // Tell the user what we are about to do…
  Serial.print("nConfiguring band ");
  // Change the band
  boolean operationSuccess;
  operationSuccess = band.setBand(newBandName);
  // Tell the user if the operation was OK
  if (operationSuccess) {
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error while changing band");

  if (operationSuccess) {
    while (true);

// This function offers the user different options
// through the Serial interface
// The user selects one
String askUser() {
  String newBand;
  Serial.println("Select band:");
  // Print the different options
  Serial.println("1 : E-GSM(900)");
  Serial.println("2 : DCS(1800)");
  Serial.println("3 : PCS(1900)");
  Serial.println("4 : E-GSM(900)+DCS(1800) ex: Europe");
  Serial.println("5 : GSM(850)+PCS(1900) Ex: USA, South Am.");
  Serial.println("6 : GSM(850)+E-GSM(900)+DCS(1800)+PCS(1900)");

  // Empty the incoming buffer
  while (Serial.available()) {

  // Wait for an answer, just look at the first character
  while (!Serial.available());
  char c = Serial.read();
  if (c == '1') {
    newBand = GSM_MODE_EGSM;
  } else if (c == '2') {
    newBand = GSM_MODE_DCS;
  } else if (c == '3') {
    newBand = GSM_MODE_PCS;
  } else if (c == '4') {
    newBand = GSM_MODE_EGSM_DCS;
  } else if (c == '5') {
    newBand = GSM_MODE_GSM850_PCS;
  } else if (c == '6') {
    newBand = GSM_MODE_GSM850_EGSM_DCS_PCS;
  } else {
    newBand = "GSM_MODE_UNDEFINED";
  return newBand;

[Get Code]

  • Arduino GSM Shield – 完整的产品描述。

  • Getting started with the GSM Shield – 在几分钟内启动所有东西

  • GSM library – GSM 库的参考网页

  • GSMToolsTestGPRS – 试图用提供的APN和证书来通过GPRS访问互联网 。

  • GSMToolsGsmScanNetworks – 扫描可用网络和打印关于IMEI和SIM卡号码的信息。

  • GSMToolsPinManagement – 如何更改或删除引脚数。

  • GSMToolsTestModem – 测试看看GSM shield的调制解调器是否正确工作。

  • GSMToolsTestWebServer – 一个简单的Web服务器,没有任何答复,只打印客户端的请求和服务器IP地址。

  • GSMExamplesMakeVoiceCall – 如何用麦克风和扬声器进行语音通话。

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