
Micro:bit 硬件架构介绍

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Micro:bit 硬件架构介绍



Microbit 硬件设计是根据ARM mbed技术所开发的应用IC及相干周边功能所设计出来的!另外有一颗接口IC 用来处理USB 接口及拖拉式核心软件更新法.这接口IC 并未用来链接任何周边.

两部分关键信息可以一窥Microbit 的内部设计:

·        线路图(schematics,http://tech.microbit.org/hardware/schematic/ ), 可以看到主要零件的链接方式及设计.

·        参考设计及相关模块数据(referencedesign,

http://tech.microbit.org/hardware/reference-design/ ), 这部分的数据可以帮助进一步了解Microbit 的设计及变动性



nRF51 应用处理器IC

 nRF51 应用处理器IC是让使用者作主要程控的处理器,完整的程序包含了用户客制及中介层(runtime) 及蓝芽协议层(Stack)(译者注:浏览器编译环境会在用户程序写完同时,将这三部分整合完成) 一旦用户将完整程序(HEX 文件)放在USB 闪存根目录上,处理器便会直接执行程序代码。使用者也可对连接在这处理器上的GPIO去做控制. 也可透过 2.4GHz 无线去做相关周边的控制.

项目 说明
Model Nordic nRF51822-QFAA-R rev 3
Core variant ARM Cortex-M0 32 bit processor
Flash ROM 256KB
Speed 16MHz
Debug SWD, jlink/OB
More Info http://tech.microbit.org/software/




项目 说明
Stack Bluetooth 4.1 with Bluetooth low energy
Band 2.4GHz ISM (Industrial, Scientific and  Medical) 2.4GHz..2.41GHz
Channels 50 2MHz channels, only 40 used (0 to 39),  3 advertising channels (37,38,39)
Sensitivity -93dBm in Bluetooth low energy mode
Tx Power -20dBM to 4dBm in 4 dB steps
Role GAP Peripheral
Congestion avoidance Adaptive Frequency Hopping
Profiles https://lancaster-university.github.io/microbit-docs/ble/profile/
More Info http://tech.microbit.org/bluetooth/



板子上2.4G无线相关设计提供另外的无线通信协议(Nordic Gazell),这通讯协议已经在不同的程序语言环境可以直接使用,并且可以在多个microbit 装置中互相传递并且群组化(group code .

项目 说明
Protocol Nordic Gazell
Freq band 2.4GHz
Channel rate 1Mbps or 2Mbps
Encryption None
Channels 101 (0..100)
Group codes 255
Tx power Eight user configurable settings from  0(-30dbm) to 7 (+4dbm)
Payload size 32 (standard) 255 (if reconfigured)
More Info https://lancaster-university.github.io/microbit-docs/ubit/radio/



Microbit 正面有两个按钮,背面有一个。背面的按键连接至KL26 接口IC及 nRF51 处理器做系统重制用(reset)

正面的按键A B 是可以由使用者去做程控包括了短压、长压或是AB同时按,按键AB 均连接至金手指(edge connector)上的GPIO ,加上电路设计可以做logic 0 1值的操作.

项目 说明
Type 2 tactile user buttons, 1 tactile sySTEM  button
Debounce (A & B) software debounced, 54ms  period
Pullup (A & B) external 4K7, (SySTEM) 10K



在板子上有5×5 数组LEDs.做为显示屏,microbit  是以3×9 数组电路去控制它.并用很高的速度去刷新它。

项目 说明
Type minature surface mount red LED
Physical structure 5×5 matrix
Electrical structure 3×9
Intensity control 10 steps
Intensity range TBC
Sensing ambient light estimation via software  algorithm
Sensing Range TBC, 10 levels from off to full on
Colour sensitivity red centric, red is 700nm



重力传感器是经由I2C 跟处理器连结,并提供了三轴的感应数据并包含了手势感测的算法 (like : fall detection, logo-up, logo-down, shake)

项目 说明
Model Freescale MMA8653FC
Features 3 axis, 2/4/8g ranges
Resolution 10 bits (0..1023)
Max output data rate 800Hz
On board gestures ‘freefall’
Other gestures Other gestures are implemented by  software algorithms in the runtime.



磁力传感器也是透过I2C 跟处理器连结,提供了磁力感测数值,并提供指南针功能,The compass must be calibrated before use, and the calibrationprocess is automatically initiated by the runtime software 译者对这段有些疑虑,暂不翻译)

项目 说明
Model Freescale MAG3110
Max update rate 80Hz
Full Scale range 1000uT
Sensitivity 0.10uT



nRF51 处理器提供了板子上的实时温度感测(Runtime ambient temperature sensing ).

项目 说明
Type on-core nRF51
Sensing range -25C .. 75C
Resolution 0.25C steps
Accuracy +/-4C (uncalibrated)
More Info https://lancaster-university.github.io/microbit-docs/ubit/thermometer/



金手指 (edge connector) 上有许多 GPIO 。处理器上有许多的多任务讯号针脚(pin define) ,有些已经设定成GPIO 功能连接至金手指,如何进一步使用这些针脚请参阅 (nRF51 data sheet)

项目 说明
Rings 3 large IO rings and two large power  rings, 4mm plug and crocodile clip compatible
GPIO features 19 assignable GPIO pins
2 are assigned to the on board I2C  interface
6 are used for display or light sensing  feature
2 are used for on board button detection
1 is reserved for an accessibility  interface
19 may be assigned as digital input or  digital output
19 may be assigned for up to 3  simultaneous PWM channels
19 may be assigned for 1 serial transmit  and 1 serial receive channel
6 may be assigned as analog input pins
3 may be assigned to an optional SPI  communications interface
3 may be assigned for up to 3 simultaneous  touch sensing inputs
ADC resolution 10 bit (0..1023)
Edge Connector http://tech.microbit.org/hardware/edgeconnector_ds/
Pitch 1.27mm, 80 way double sided.
Pads 5 pads, with 4mm holes
More Info http://tech.microbit.org/hardware/edgeconnector/



microbit的电力,主要是由接口IC透过USB 提供,亦可由电池盒连接器提供,在金手指上亦有电力供应的功能,需要熟悉电路设计的人操作.

项目 说明
Operating range 1.8V .. 3.6V
USB current 120mA max
Onboard Peripherals budget 30mA
Battery connector JST X2B-PH-SM4-TB
Battery current TBC
Max current provided via edge connector 90mA
More Info http://tech.microbit.org/hardware/powersupply/



这接口IC提供USB链接功能、拖拉式程序刷新(drag and drop flash program)及跟主计算机做序列通讯(serialcommunication) .

项目 说明
Model Freescale MKL26Z128VFM4
Core variant: ARM Cortex-M0+
Flash ROM 32KB
Speed 16MHz
Debug capabilities SWD
More info http://tech.microbit.org/software/daplink-interface/



项目 说明
Connector USB micro, MOLEX_47346-0001
USB version 1.1 Full Speed device
Speed 12Mbit/sec
USB classes supported Mass Storage Class (MSC)
Communications Device Class (CDC)



我们有提供2D 3D CAD 图文件,这些资料可以用来提供3D printing 的生产制造的图文件数据.

项目 说明
Dimensions 5cm(w) 4cm(h)
Weight 5g



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